Drainage sewage treatment plants

Putrefactive settling tanks from the polythene (HDPE)

Putrefactive settling tanks perform the role of preliminary setting up in home sewage treatment plants. Basic is their function retencjonowanie the cargo of sewage, supplied in the very uneven way and the averaging of their composition.


In putrefactive settlers , the sedimentation and the flotation which cause the sublation of light substances sometimes happen (oils, greases) from substances falling on the bottom of the container. The process of processing is caused at the participation of bioactivators, entered into this environment with appropriate biopreparations. In stock of the company there are one, two and three-compartments settling tanks. The division of the settler into compartments enables the separation to improve processes, also protects the filter against silting what contibutes to the  improvement of the achieved results. The filling of the filter is made of plastic and doesn't require the periodic replacement.

Budowa oczyszczalni ścieków drenażowej
Budowa oczyszczalni ścieków drenażowej
Technical characteristics
Capacity of the settler Height of the tributary Width Height Length Number of chambers The maximum bandwidth
m3 m m m m - m3/d
2,0 1,05 1,2 1,2 2,2 1 - 2 0,60
2,0 1,16 1,2 1,4 2,0 1 0,60
3,0 1,05 1,2 1,2 3,3 1 - 2 0,90
3,0 1,16 1,2 1,4 3,2 1 - 2 0,90
3,5* 1,16 1,2 1,4 3,2 1 - 2 1,05
4,5 1,36 1,2 1,6 3,5 1 - 2 1,20

*- offered depending on the diameter of the connection

Double shell putrefactive settling tanks from the polythene

Putrefactive settling tanks double shell  in drainage sewage treatment plants supplements provide the range of settlers of one shell. They are characterized by a greater endurance as well as a greater scope of available capacities.


Small capacity models are applied, when the significant depth of the assembly or the highest level of groundwaters hamper or make it impossible to assmeble  the settler of one shell compliance with the requirements of instruction.


Settling tanks of great capacities usually constitute the element of more developed systems of biological sewage treatment plants. The selection of the capacity, the amount and the size of chambers and the way of carrying them out is determined by the designer. A possibility of applying manholes about the largest diameter i.e. 0.8 m is also included in advantages of such a structure of the settler, instead of typical (i.e. 0.6 m). However it concerns the diameters of the corps not smaller than 1.5 m.


Standard settling tanks in the version of double shell can be sprinkled with 1.0 m with the covering layer (for the diameter of the corps 1.2 m and 1.5 m). The offer also includes putrefactive settling tanks of  the largest diameters (2.0-2.5 m) and capacities even to 60 m3, however they are produced up to the order and according to endurance, specific requirements through ordering or in the project.

Budowa oczyszczalni ścieków drenażowej



Double shell putrefactive settling tanks from the polythene


The product holds the following certificates:

  • Compliance with the norm: PN-EN 12566-1: 2004 / A1: 200;
  • Atekst Hygienic: BK/W/ 0338 / 02 / 2018.







Technical characteristics


One should treat the value quoted in the table of the bandwidth as demonstrative which in the course of the project implementation is subject to change.



Capacity of the settler Height of the tributary

Drain height

Diameter Length Number of chambers The maximum bandwidth
m3 m m m m - m3/d
2,0 1,00 0,95 1,2 2,2 1 - 2 0,60
3,0 1,00 0,95 1,2 3,3 1 0,90
4,0 1,00 0,95 1,2 3,7 1 - 2 1,20
4,5 1,00 0,95 1,2 4,2 1 - 2 1,50
5,0 1,00 0,95 1,2 5,1 1 - 3 1,80
5,0 1,27 1,22 1,5 3,1 1 - 3 1,80
6,0 1,27 1,22 1,5  3,7  1 - 3 2,10
7,0 1,27 1,22 1,5  4,8  1 - 3  2,40 
8,0 1,27 1,22 1,5  5,4  1 - 3  2,70
9,0 1,27 1,22 1,5  6,0  1 - 3  3,00 
10,0 1,27 1,22 1,5  6,5  1 - 3  3,30 
12,0 1,27 1,22 1,5  7,7  1 - 3  3,90

Sewage treatment plants with infiltrated packages

Montaż drenażowej oczyszczalni ścieków

Systems of drainage sewage treatment plants, realized in the form of preliminary settler : either 2 and 3-chamber orthe biological reactor, can have channeling in the form of infiltrated packages. Those infiltrated packages are made of plastics and are offered in many variants.


The packages are applied in two versions:

  • for tubular drainage (standard) - applied when the base is permeable, delivered from geotextile about the length greater than the length of the sequence (e.g. to the drainage sequence 12 mb is falling to 13 mb of the geotextile );

  • to soakaways (standard) - applied in the situation of the lack accessible place to channel cleaned sewage. In the standard offer, the length of drainage sequences is 12 rm . There can be some stretches from 6 to 24 mb of the length delievered optionally


Technical approval: ITB-KOT- 2018 / 0370:


The installation of packages is conducted in way analogous to the normal drainage. After putting packages in the excavation, you should put the drainage pipe from above and press it into the shaped hollow in the package so that itg doesn't stick out beyond the package. Next, you should apply geotextile from sides and from above of package.


The manner of the assembly of the drainage sewage treatment plant is subject to change depending on the configuration system. In the following table,  there are presented demonstrative balance sheet drainage sequences long stayed with packages towards the number of users (it reagrds the ground of the good permeability). It is  emphasized that a designer determines the ultimate configuration system on the assumption that the quantity of drainage sequences cannot be smaller than two.



Technical parameters
Maximum number of permanent users in the version with the putrefactive settler Maximum number of permanent users of the version with the biological reactor Length of the standard fall-rope Length of the infiltrating drainage The type and the quantity of distribution wells Quantity of sequences drain.
RLM RLM mb mb - -
4 - 8 6 - 12 12 - 24 24 - 48 1 x SR-2 lub 1 x SR-3 2
6 -12 9 - 18 12 - 24 36 - 72 1 x SR-3 3
8 - 16 12 - 24 12 - 24 48 - 96 1 x SR-4 4
10 - 20 15 - 30 12 - 24 60 - 120 1 x SR-5 5


RLM amount Most often applying configurations of systems
≤3 og 2m3 II-k + 24 mb of large parcels.
≤4 og 3m3 II-k + 24 mb of large parcels.
≤4 og 3m3 II-k + PSO + 24 mb of large parcels.
≤6 og 3m3 II-k + 36 mb of large parcels.
≤6 ZBB-6PC + 1 x SCH100 +2 kpl of large parcels. to SCH
≤6 ZBS-6C + 24 mb of large parcels.
≤6 ZBB-7C + PSO + 24 mb of large parcels. in the embankment
≤8 ZBS-10C + 36 mb of large parcels.
≤10 ZBS-10C + 2 x SCH100 + 4 kpl of large parcels. to SCH
≤10 ZBB-10C + PSO + 48 mb of large parcels. in the embankment